Visitors, friends, and event producers:
Thank you for making Aalto Festival 2017 spectacular!
See you again in 2018.


Mon–Thurs 10–19, Fri 10–18
Opening on Tuesday 18 April at 17–19

Photo: Heikki Heinonen

SEES is an exhibition by a group of Aalto ARTS Art Education Students working in the context of lens based contemporary practices MA course. It is also the last exhibition ever to be held at the Lume gallery at the Arabia campus. On the threshold of disappearing the exhibition deals with themes of seeing, visibility, in-betweenness and hiding. The exhibition consists of photography, videos and installations.

This event is in Finnish and English.

#SEES #arteducation #kutiai #kuvataidekasvatus #aaltoarts

SEES on Facebook

Images from this event

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Photo: Milka Alanen & Jenna Saarinen

Media Centre Lume
Lume gallery
Hämeentie 135 C
00560 Helsinki

Google Maps HSL Journey Planner

Contact for this event:

Minna Suoniemi
Degree Program of Art Education
+358 50 411 1906
Reveal e-mail