Visitors, friends, and event producers:
Thank you for making Aalto Festival 2017 spectacular!
See you again in 2018.

Science Café – Music and Brain

When children start music as a hobby, a lot of changes start to happen in their brains. Why? Which types of changes? Are these changes all beneficial or could some of them be harmful?

In this special edition of Science Cafe, taking place in Helsinki as part of the Aalto Festival, Dr. Minna Huotilainen from the University of Helsinki will give a presentation on the exciting topic of music and the brain. After the presentation, an amazing panel of musicians and music enthusiasts will discuss with Minna, followed by a Q&A session open to all the public.

Members of the panel are Verneri Pohjola (jazz musician and composer), Tapio Ala-Nissilä (physics professor and music enthusiast), Jukka Rautasalo (cellist with the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Avanti!).
Free admission.

This event is in English.

Science Café – Music and Brain on Facebook

Presto Prosecco Lounge
Eteläesplanadi 14
00101 Helsinki

Google Maps HSL Journey Planner

Contact for this event:

Minna Günes
+35850 301 8442
Reveal e-mail