Visitors, friends, and event producers:
Thank you for making Aalto Festival 2017 spectacular!
See you again in 2018.

Mentoring Programme Closing Gala

Photo: Mikko Raskinen

The Mentoring Programme Closing Gala invites mentors and mentees to celebrate the past mentoring year with networking and co-working. Participants are challenged to discuss and brainstorm education and learning methods at Aalto University and to find new ways to promote career skills. The gala is a part of Aalto Festival´s Education@Aalto event.

Aalto University Mentoring Programme brings together university's alumni and students with a view to promoting students' career knowledge, as well as promoting the self-development and professional networking of both parties – with up to 141 mentoring pairs. Further information about the programme:

This event is in English.

Visit the event website

Harald Herlin Learning Centre
Otaniementie 9
02150 Espoo

Google Maps HSL Journey Planner

Contact for this event:

Kaisa Hölttä
Advancement & Corporate Engagement
+358 50 301 1608
Reveal e-mail