Aalto Mathematics and Arts Colloquium
Professor Daina Taimina (Cornell University): Study mathematics and ... become an artist?
Chair: Martti Raevaara
When I was in middle school I was a good student and had very good grades in all subjects...except in art class where I was struggling to draw the way my teacher thought was the right way. I accepted my teacher's judgement that I can do anything but art and went to study mathematics. Could I imagine that some fifty years later I will be known as an artist? Mathematics and art are not too distant. In my talk, I will discuss the interplay between mathematics and art from my own perspective.
This event is in English.
Undergraduate Centre
C Hall (Y205)
Otakaari 1
02150 Espoo
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Contact for this event:
Kirsi Peltonen
Mathematics and systems analysis
+358 50 574 7006
Reveal e-mail