Visitors, friends, and event producers:
Thank you for making Aalto Festival 2017 spectacular!
See you again in 2018.

Interlocking Macro-Particle Structures

Monday-Friday 8:00–18:00

This exhibition gives an introduction to interlocking macro-particle structures, a research topic that is currently being explored at the chair of design of structures in the Department of Architecture at Aalto University.

Interlocking macro-particle structures can be described as porous agglomerates of interlocking plate-shaped elements with both load-bearing and space-generating capacities. The size of such structures can vary between furniture and building scale. Accordingly, the size of the particles is variable as well.

The exhibition displays different types of interlocking structures and studies on potential applications. Moreover, it provides insights into contemporary research approaches in the domain of architecture. It features digitally fabricated models and prototypes, as well as drawings and animations that result from the chair’s research and research-oriented teaching activities.

This event is in English.

Undergraduate Centre
Otakaari 1
02100 Espoo

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Contact for this event:

Markus Hudert
Design of Structures
+358 50 467 0558
Reveal e-mail