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See you again in 2018.

Building Expertise for Innovation Conference

Advance registration
by Wed 27.04.

Sign up here

Photo: Nico Waenerberg

This conference on Innovation Decision Support Using Structured Expert Judgement brings together industrialists, policy makers and academics in technology, strategy and digitalization with interests in digitalisation, and its impacts in energy and climate, health and the environment, research and education.
The keynotes are leading experts in managing uncertainties. The conference seeks after examples of how to build success through digitalisation and platform businesses. Participants will gain insights into innovations and innovation ecosystems.

This event is in English.


Visit the event website

Aalto Design Factory
Betonimiehenkuja 5 C
02150 Espoo

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Contact for this event:

Mary-Ann Wikström
Platform Valuen Now
+358 50 305 4767
Reveal e-mail