Advance registration
by Fri 26.05.
See text for details
Education@Aalto is a full day, open event as a part of the Aalto Festival. We welcome teachers, researchers, developers and learners to share and collaborate in workshops, demo sessions and round-up discussions. How is digitalisation transforming education? How to utilise the e-learning methods and tooling to support teaching and learning? Which tools have been found to work in face-to-face learning sessions? What evidence has research revealed about learning and teaching?
Pop-up teaching
Would you like to share your experiences using some teaching or assessing method(s)? Have you written education related papers or given presentations? Come and share your experiences and join teacher’s corner in the afternoon from 13:00 to 14:30 with your 10 min teaching experiment. Please tell your topic in the registration form.
Let us have an interactive and educational day! We will also team up with Aalto Mentoring Programme and organise a joint networking buffet late afternoon.
This event is in Finnish and English.
Harald Herlin Learning Centre
Otaniementie 9
02150 Espoo
Google Maps HSL Journey Planner
Contact for this event:
Tomi Kauppinen
All programmes
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