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Public Defences of Doctoral Dissertations

Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Defences of dissertations today starting at 12:00

Vuorimiehentie 2, Hall V1, 02150 Espoo
Defence of dissertation in the field of Biotechnology, Janne Wallenius
"The Influences of Fluctuations in Process Parameters and End-product Inhibition on Bacterial Stress Responses".
For more information

Otakaari 3, F239a, 02150 Espoo
Defence of dissertation in the field of biomedical engineering, Johanna Metsomaa, M.Sc. (Tech.)
"Data-Driven Methods for Analyzing TMS-Evoked EEG Responses"
For more information

TUAS Building, Hall TU1, Maarintie 8, 02150 Espoo
Defence of dissertation in the field of engineering physics, Anna Feshchenko, M.Sc. (Tech.)
"Electron thermometry, refrigeration and heat transport in nanostructures at sub-kelvin temperatures".
For more information

Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1, Hall D, 02150 Espoo
Defence of dissertation in the field of advanced energy systems, Jyri Salpakari, M.Sc.(Tech.)
"Demand side flexibility for solar and wind power integration".
For more information

Undergraduate Centre, Hall U1, Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo
Defence of dissertation in the field of energy engineering, process engineering, Arshe Said, M.Sc. (Eng.)
"CO2 sequestration by steelmaking slags for the production of precipitated calcium carbonate - From laboratory to demonstration stage".
For more information

Otakaari 4, Hall K216, 02150 Espoo
Defence of dissertation in the field of energy technology, Aira Hast, M.Sc. (Tech.)
"Towards effective climate change mitigation: viewpoints of cost efficiency, un-certainty and consumer choice".
For more information

Kemistintie 1, Sali Ke2, 02150 Espoo
Defence of dissertation in the field of bioproducts technology, Karita Kinnunen-Raudaskoski
"Foam as a Carrier Phase−a Multipurpose Technology for Industrial Applications".
For more information

Note to Audience

Public defence of dissertation is open to everybody. To avoid disturbance, the audience should enter the lecture room in time, and it is appropriate to stay for the whole defence. The audience shall rise to acknowledge the arrival of the doctoral candidate, the Custos, and the opponent(s). During the examination, there should not be applauses, and all congratulations take place outside the room. There are no guidelines for the audience dress code.

Several locations in Otaniemi