Defence of dissertation in the field of International Business, Rilana Riikkinen, M.Sc. (Econ.)
The doctoral dissertation of Rilana Riikkinen, M.Sc. (Econ.), in the field of International Business "Taking Sustainability to the Operational Level: Purchasing within the MNC" will be publicly examined at the Aalto University School of Business.
Opponent: Professor Jonathan Doh, Villanova University School of Business, PA, USA
Custos: Professor Kristiina Mäkelä, Aalto University School of Business
Public defence of dissertation is open to everybody. To avoid disturbance, the audience should enter the lecture room in time, and it is appropriate to stay for the whole defence. The audience shall rise to acknowledge the arrival of the doctoral candidate, the Custos, and the opponent(s). During the examination, there should not be applauses, and all congratulations take place outside the room. There are no guidelines for the audience dress code.
This event is in English.
Aalto University School of Business
C-350 (3rd floor)
Runeberginkatu 14-16
00100 Helsinki
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Contact for this event:
Rilana Riikkinen
+358 40 030 3223
Reveal e-mail