Visitors, friends, and event producers:
Thank you for making Aalto Festival 2017 spectacular!
See you again in 2018.

Automation and Electrical Engineering Project work course – Final Gala

Photo: Lasse Lecklin

Come and see the outcomes of project works related to Automation and Electrical Engineering.


9:15– 9:30 Opening ceremony (room AS1)
9:30–10:15 Highlight talks A (room AS1)
10:15–11:15 Exhibition (TUAS lobby)
11:15–12:00 Highlight talks B (room AS1)
12:00–13:30 Exhibition (TUAS lobby)
13:30–14:15 Highlight talks C (room AS1)
14:15–15:30 Exhibition (TUAS lobby)
15:30–16:30 Seminar & Ceremonies (AS1)

This event is in English.

Visit the event website

Images from this event

Photo: Alisa Javits

Photo: Alisa Javits

Photo: Alisa Javits

Photo: Alisa Javits

Photo: Alisa Javits

Photo: Alisa Javits

Photo: Alisa Javits

TUAS Building
Lobby area
Maarintie 8
02150 Espoo

Google Maps HSL Journey Planner

Contact for this event:

Timo Oksanen
Automation and Electrical Engineering
+358 50 316 0970
Reveal e-mail